Hi, I am

Fresh graduate from Don Honorio State University with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Ready and excited to embark the journey on the working industry.

About Me

Adventurous, Polish, Silent

I am a timid person trying to expand my horizons. I enjoy creating and experimenting different styles and patterns on my works, hence making my work a reflection of myself.

Profile pic

Personal Projects

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Food Nutrition Website


Simple food website that displays the nutrition facts of a particular food searched. Was made to test my knowledge in implementing APIs.

Visit Site
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Business Monitoring System


A system that tracks, monitor, notify business regarding their paper requirements at bacolor municipality. Made as our final thesis project

Visit Repository

Certificates/Webinars Attended

Skills and Technologies

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6,
Wordpress, PHP, MySql, Python

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Always looking for someone to talk to.
